Monday, October 7, 2013

Kickboxing Workout

Kickboxing consists of a combination of fighting techniques from other arts e.g., Boxing, Thai Boxing, Karate and Kung Fu. It is practiced as self- defence, general fitness or as a contact sport.

Why People Love Kickboxing!

- Kickboxing burns an average of 500 calories an hour
- It targets your arms, shoulders, abs, thighs and butt in one workout!
- it is a form of stress release
- Kickboxing is never boring

Benefits of Kickboxing

- Weight loss
- Toning your body
- Enhanced flexibility
- Agility
- Coordination

Some Kickboxing Moves Include:

- The Roundhouse kick
It is executed with your front or back leg however, is is
usually more powerful with your back leg. You need to raise your leg and kick horizontally at your opponent. Kick with your instep or shin. Pivot the foot that is not kicking to maximise your power and avoid knee injuries. Deliver the roundhouse kick to your opponents head or body.
Image taken from

- The Spinning Back Kick
It is typically used when your opponent is coming at you. To execute this move, pick up your back leg and spin so that you drive the bottom of your heel into your opponent. This technique looks somewhat like a donkey kicking backward. Make sure you become proficient at the
spinning back kick before attempting it in the ring.

Image taken from

Outdoor Cardio Workouts

10 Great Outdoor Cardio Workout Ideas

You don't need a treadmill to get a great cardio workout! Grab a mat and a timer

10 Long Jumps: Do a long jump the length of your mat or towel, then shuffle backwards to your starting position

10 Pushups: Kneeling or full, depending on your fitness level

15 Sumo Squats: Stand up with your feet shoulder width apart with your toes slightly turned out as you sit back into a squat

15 Burpees: Start with a jump, ad then squat down, place your hands on your mat and jump out into a plank position. Jump feet back towards your hands, pop up into a standing position and finish with a clap at the top.

20 Bicycle Crunches: Lie on your back and bend both knees into your chest, hand clasped behind your head. Find a focal point to the left and right of your body. Look at those two focal points as you twist and crunch to each side, reaching your right elbow to your left knee and vice versa.
Image taken from:

20 Mountain Climbers: Start in a plank position and alternate driving your knees into chest, keeping your hips flat and parallel to the ground.

Image taken from:

Healthy Lunch Snack

Apricot Muesli Balls Recipe


- 2 cups toasted muesli
- 1 cup dried apricots
- 1/4 cup honey
- 60g butter, melted
- 3/4 cup shredded coconut


Step 1: Place muesli, apricots, honey and warm, melted butter in a foor processor. Process for 2 to 3 minutes or until well combined.

Step 2: Place coconut in a shallow dish. Roll tablespoons of muesli mixture into balls. Coat balls in coconut. Set aside to cool for 15 minutes before serving.

Image taken from:

Roasted Pumpkin and Quinoa Salad Recipe

Roasted Pumpkin and Quinoa Salad Recipe


- 500g butternut pumpkin, peeled, cut into 2.5cm cubes
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 2 teaspoons Moroccan seasoning
- 3/4 cup quinoa, rinsed, drained
- 2 tablespoons lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon finely chopped preserved lemon
- 1/2 cup fresh coriander leaves


Step 1: Preheat oven to 220C/200C fan- forced. Placed pumpkin, oil and seasoning in a bowl. Toss to cost. Transfer to a baking tray lined with banking paper. Roast for 20 to 25 minutes, turning once, or until golden and tender

Step 2: Meanwhile, place quinoa and 1 1/2 cups cold water in a saucepan over high heat. Cover. Bring to the boil. Reduce heat to low. Simmer for 10 to 12 minutes or until liquid is absorbed.

Step 3: Place quinoa in a heatproof bowl. Add pumpkin, lemon juice, preserved lemon and coriander. Season with salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine. Serve.

Image taken from:


Basic Boxing Combinations
1-2 (Jab-Right cross)
It’s the first two punches you’ve ever thrown together. The fast jab catches your opponent off guard and the right cross takes his head off. 

This one is a way to trick your opponent. Your opponent will only be expecting the Jab- Right cross.  The second jab has a good chance of surprising your opponent opening the way once again for your big right hand. 

1-2-3 (Jab-Cross-Left hook)
This is where boxing starts to get fun. The shift of your weight when you throw the right hand naturally sets the left hook up. The left hook comes after your right cross and can put some massive hurting on your opponent. You can aim it high at his jaw or low at his body. Either way, the left hook is equally dangerous regardless of whether or not your right cross lands.

1-2-3-2 (Jab-Cross-Hook-Cross)
The jab opens your opponent’s guard. You follow-up with 3 big power punches: right hand, left hook, right hand finish. When the 3 big punches land beautifully, you can pat yourself on the back.

1-2-5-2 (Jab-Cross-Left uppercut-Cross)
This combo is the same as the last except instead of a left hook, you put a left uppercut in there. The left uppercut will surprise your opponent since it’s coming from a downward angle. If the other guy likes to hide behind his high guard with his head down or if he likes to charge into you, the left uppercut will pop his head up so you can chop it off with the right hand finish.

1-6-3-2 (Jab-Right uppercut-Left hook-Right hand)
Starting with the 1-2 all the time can get a little too predictable. Your opponent might get clever and try to slip the right hand. Or he might simply anticipate a straight right hand and just have his guard up. In either case, throwing a right uppercut into there will do a ton of damage and lift his head up so you can follow up with a left hook – right hand finish. You can aim the right uppercut at the body or the head, it’s your call. Make sure you don’t get too predictable when you do this, because your head is vulnerable to jabs and DEADLY counter left hooks when you throw that right uppercut.

2-3-2 (Right cross-Left hook-Right cross)
Sometimes you don’t have room to setup a whole combination. If you’ve got an overly aggressive opponent that’s invading your space, then you don’t have time to start with the jab. Drop a right hand on him followed by a left hook and another big right hand. If he’s already wide open, why waste your time with a jab? Just start with the hard punches right away. The 2-3-2 is very good at close range. Dig your feet and make it hurt

Tips to Following Diets

Tips to Following Diets
Tip 1: Be organised. It makes it pretty difficult to follow diet plans if you don’t actually have the food available to prepare your meals and snacks. When you write out your diet plans, it’s a good idea to jot down a shopping list too.

Tip 2: Include a variety of foods. There is nothing worse than feeling trapped on a never-ending diet. When you’ve got a little time, search through some recipe books and find some meals you’re eager to try. If you’ve got the ingredients on hand, then you can whip them up for a minimum-fuss mid week meal.

Tip 3: Make it realistic! In your diet plans, to ensure long term sustainability, choose foods that you actually enjoy eating which also fit into the guidelines of your diet.

Tip 4: Overcoming temptation. If you’re someone who easily breaks a diet, then one of the best tips for you to stay on track would be to simply remove the temptations, if you simply don’t keep them in your house and adjust to your new way of eating.

Have a look at: for more information!

Greek Yogurt with Strawberries

Greek Yogurt with Strawberries
10 x Strawberries
1 tbs Honey
1 cup of plain low fat greek yogurt
There you go, you have a delicious treat for under 150 calories
Nutritional facts per serving:
171 calories
11g protein
34g carbohydrate
5g fiber
0g fat

How to Get Great Abs!

Try this workout every 2nd day to get great Abs!
10x Reverse Lunges
20x Pulse Squats
10x Squats
10x Jump Squats
20x Star Jumps
50 sec Plank Position
20x Bicycle Crunches
30 sec Side Plank (each side)
15x Leg lifts
10x Crunches
Try not to take long breaks between each. If you pair this with 30mins of cardio each day your body will be looking fabulous for summer!

Good Fats v Bad Fats

Monounsaturated fatPolyunsaturated fat
  • Olive oil
  • Canola oil
  • Sunflower oil
  • Peanut oil
  • Sesame oil
  • Avocados
  • Olives
  • Nuts (almonds, peanuts, macadamia nuts, hazelnuts, pecans, cashews)
  • Peanut butter
  • Soybean oil
  • Corn oil
  • Safflower oil
  • Walnuts
  • Sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin seeds
  • Fatty fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel, herring, trout, sardines)
  • Soymilk
  • Tofu
Saturated fatTrans fat
  • High-fat cuts of meat (beef, lamb, pork)
  • Chicken with the skin
  • Whole-fat dairy products (milk and cream)
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Ice cream
  • Palm and coconut oil
  • Lard
  • Commercially-baked pastries, cookies, doughnuts, muffins, cakes, pizza dough
  • Packaged snack foods (crackers, microwave popcorn, chips)
  • Stick margarine
  • Vegetable shortening
  • Fried foods (French fries, fried chicken, chicken nuggets, breaded fish)
  • Candy bars

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Worlds Greatest Strectch

Worlds Greatest Stretch 

  1.  This is a three-part stretch. Begin by lunging forward, with your front foot flat on the ground and on the toes of your back foot. With your knees bent, squat down until your knee is almost touching the ground. Keep your torso erect, and hold this position for 10-20 seconds.     
  2. Now, place the arm on the same side as your front leg on the ground, with the elbow next to the foot. Your other hand should be placed on the ground, parallel to your lead leg, to help support you during this portion of the stretch.  
  3.  After 10-20 seconds, place your hands on either side of your front foot. Raise the toes of the front foot off of the ground, and straighten your leg. You may need to reposition your rear leg to do so. Hold for 10-20 seconds, and then repeat the entire sequence for the other side.

Pilates (Part 2)

Here is Part 2 of the Pilates Routine! Combine this with Part 1 once a week and you will be seeing results in not time!

Healthy Raspberry and Banana Smoothie

Raspberry and Banana Smoothie

Recipe Ingredients
1 ripe medium banana
3/4 cup of frozen raspberry
1/4 cup non-fat vanilla yogurt
3/4 cup of skim milk
1 pinch of cinnamon
1/2 cup of crushed ice
1 tsp of honey

Blend all ingredients together in a blender. This smoothie is great for a snack and a healthy option to fill your stomach up!

Skinny Me tea Detox

Skinny Tea Detox

Is the Worldwide 100% Natural & Organic Detox Tea.

Made from a specially selected blend of herbal teas & antioxidant rich goji berries, Skinny Tea Detox is designed to detoxify, cleanse & promote wellness. Combined with healthy eating & exercise, Skinny Tea Detox will leave you feeling energised & invigorated while complementing your hard earned effort to achieve a healthy lifestyle.


What it does?

 Detoxifies & Cleanses
 Boosts Metabolism & Helps Burn Calories Faster
 Essential Source Of Vitamins & Full Of Antioxidants
 Reduces Bloating
 Helps Clear Skin
 Promotes Healthy Weigh

Skinny Tea Detox Is Used By Real People with Real Results. Here Are Just A Few post and feedback

Pilates (Part 1)

Try these! This is a Pilates toning, flexibility and stretching routine. Along with a cardio workout, these body toning exercises will slim down your waist, hips, and thighs. Keep an eye on part 2 of the routine.

Pre-Workout Meals

Pre-Workout Meals are needed to keep you full of energy and to burn the calories faster! Try these foods to obtain the most from your workout!


What Is Crossfit 

Cross fit is a strength and conditioning program that builds strength and increases endurance while working on your weaknesses using functional movements combined into high intensity, varied workouts.
If you are someone who does not like routine then crossfit is for you. every session the workout is designed to make each individual strive to do better than the last. Crossfit is designed for any individual regardless of age, experience or condition. It makes you looking to become leaner, stronger, faster, more fit and confident.


1.  Who Can do Crossfit?
Anyone can do Crossfit.
Cross Fit workouts have been designed for marines and high school kids, Iron-men and couch potatoes, grandmothers and grand masters. The Cross fit approach challenges you at your current level of fitness and progresses you to achieve a greater level of conditioning. The only limitation is what you put on yourself.

2.     But I don’t have time?
This is the most common statement/excuse, with our busy daily schedules and obligations of career and family.There are literally “No more excuses”. The majority of CrossFit workouts or WOD’s (workout of the day) last no longer then 30mins, that’s including the warm up and stretch. The high intensity that CrossFit is based around is what makes it differ from the traditional hour long sessions in the gym. Consistent, challenging, short, intense, varied training is the key to optimizing your peak fitness.

3.       Will I get big and bulky like a body builder?
No, unlike bodybuilders, who train in a more isolated, specific way, we train using functional movements, movements that your body was designed to do. CrossFit is the most superior way to build strength, burn fat, and increase cardio capacity.

4.       Will it be hard?
Very Very Hard it will not get easier ever, It will just get better. Every workout is designed to be intense and challenging but is totally scalable to your own personal ability. This is how CrossFit gets results. Short, intense, varied workouts.

5.       What will I be doing?
·         Extended warm up.
·         Practice round focusing on skills and technique.
·         Main WOD (Workout Of the Day)
·         Cool down and stretch and Some mobility

Diet Recipe: Chicken Lentils and Spinach

Chicken, Lentils and Spinach

  • 1 1/2 tbs olive oil
  • 4 x 170g chicken breast fillets, cut into 3cm cubes
  • 1 red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 celery stalk, finely chopped, plus 1 tbs chopped celery leaves
  • 2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 2 tsp chopped thyme leaves
  • 1 cup (250ml) salt-reduced chicken stock
  • 120g baby spinach leaves
  • 2 x 400g cans brown lentils, rinsed, drained
  • 4 crusty bread rolls, to serve

  1. Step 1
    Heat oil in a deep frypan over medium-high heat. In 2 batches, add chicken and brown all over for 3-4 minutes. Remove from the pan and set aside.
  2. Step 2
    Reduce heat to medium, add onion, celery stalk, garlic and thyme, then season. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring, until vegetables soften. Return chicken to pan with stock, bring to the boil, then cover and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes or until chicken is cooked.
  3. Step 3
    Stir in spinach, celery leaves and lentils, then cook for 3-4 minutes until spinach is wilted and lentils are warmed through. Serve with crusty bread.

    Fat saturated
    Fat Total
    Carbohydrate sugars
    Carbohydrate Total
    Dietary Fibre

     Found from